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olekoop bonked 13 May 2024 08:31 +0000
original: nicemicro@fosstodon.org

In the latest @TechOverTeaShow podcast, @BrodieOnLinux and @Conan_Kudo discuss a very important thing about distributing software with non-free licenses, which most people need to understand.

Legally, you might be required to show users the EULA, and might have other conditions on how to redistribute software at all. Skipping these steps "for user convenience" might be breaking the license and give you legal trouble.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #FOSS #Linux

olekoop honked back 12 May 2024 09:54 +0000
in reply to: https://oldbytes.space/users/SinclairSpeccy/statuses/112419230429501589

re: Mentions of lolicon and a rant (I’m against it)

re: Mentions of lolicon and a rant (I’m against it)

@SinclairSpeccy I think that interpretations shouldn't be discouraged only because of the creator's preference. As long as you clearly say that this style is not allowed and you apply the rule in all cases, it's fine. Not every lolicon draws lolis and not everyone who draws lolis is a lolicon.